The ALEXA camera system is known for its exceptional image performance that is simple to operate, reliable in even the most extreme environments and versatile enough to cover a wide range of workflow and budget requirements.
Based on this proven technology is the ALEXA SXT W: It has a built-in video transmitter which makes the camera smaller and lighter than it would be with an external transmitter. It also means fewer cables around the camera and fewer associated problems, since cable failure is by far the most common technical hitch on set. Camera setup and power-up are quicker, and productions are able to move faster.
Proven ALEXA features
Best overall image quality
Efficient and versatile workflows
Simple and safe operation
Open, future-proof architecture
Beautiful image
Integrated wireless video, ARRI ECS and WiFi radios
No interference between the integrated radios
ARRI built quality & reliability
Smaller and lighter than with external transmitters
Fewer cables, therefore fewer cable problems, faster setup (power on and go)
Accompanied by ARRI wireless video receivers and accessories
Flexible monitoring options
4 independent monitoring outputs: EVF, MON OUT 1-3
Independent in color space, surround view and look
Wide range of media
Four different types of media create unrivaled flexibility for rental houses and productions:
CFast 2.0 Adapter 2 and CFast 2.0 card
SxS Adapter 2 and SxS PRO/SxS PRO+ card
XR Adapter and XR Capture Drive
SXR Adapter and SXR Capture Drive
Great choice of recording formats
14 in-camera recording formats to fulfill any production needs